You get home, you look through the videos, and you slightly cringe.
‘Oh fuck it, they will do. She will love them no matter what’.
And you’re right. She will. But as a birth worker, you continue to have this pull to want to do better, to deliver better photos and film to mamas after witnessing them and their magic.
You keep watching films, obsessing over birth, and you know that it’s something that you should be offering too. Something to tie your packages in a sweet little bow, to gift your client and to make choosing you as their birth support an obvious choice.
Pros and cons to choosing a phone or professional camera to capture birth footage
The most important camera settings for low light videography
Learn a bunch of camera angles and techniques so that you can find your own artistic style for birth films
Tips on navigating dim lighting in the birth space, to make sure you can still capture footage for mum
Learn how to put your footage together with editing steps
Pointers on how to be fully present as a birth worker or birth support whilst remaining unseen as a videographer
Downloadable packing list and guides to take into the birth space with you
Shenae’s expertise and advice is incredible! Her advice on cameras vs iPhones made me realise that I wasn’t yet ready for the leap into a fancy camera and needing to adjust settings, so I have since been filming on my iPhone and it’s easy and perfect for my needs. Her knowledge on filming and capturing emotion was game changing.
My clients have all absolutely adored their films and have all been brought to tears. I try my best to slow down or highlight important moments and emphasise the love and care they had surrounding them. I want these women to be reminded of their incredible power and support always, and these videos do exactly that.
Thank you Shenae for sharing your years of experience and giving us the power to gift our clients with these gems.
Shenae is a birth filmmaker, a passionate advocate for positive birth experiences, and an all-round birth nerd. With over 12 years of filmmaking expertise and a background in health promotion advocacy, Shenae brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the world of birth filmmaking.
You are a birth worker who supports her clients holistically, but you have a lack of confidence when it comes to taking photos and film.
You are a positive birth advocate that cares deeply about women’s birth experiences, and you know that watching positive birth films is one of the greatest birth prep tools women can have.
You know that this is something you would like to do ‘one day’ but you get nervous starting because you think it’s complicated, expensive, or time consuming.
You have a pull to be more creative but don’t know what that could look like in your role as a birth worker.
You want to offer your clients a unique way to remember how powerful they were during labour and allow them to properly debrief their birth.
Birth film basics
Birth film basics 〰️
If you want to learn how to step foot into a dimly lit birth space, support a woman in labour AND create a sweet little birth film for her, then this course is for you.
Whether you are looking to dust off an old camera or use your phone, this self-paced online course is going to teach you the basics to birth filmmaking so that you can gift mama a heart achingly beautiful birth keepsake.
With 7 easy to follow, chit chatty video modules, complete with downloadable cheat sheets, you will be on your way to capture birth in no time.
*disclosure: this course may cause birth film addiction.